Georgia Traffic Laws Governing Right-of-Way

Right-of-way identifies who has the lawful authority to enter a roadway, change lanes, make a turn, travel through an intersection, or make any other traffic-related movement. Georgia traffic laws establish right-of-way in all situations. This includes not only right-of-way rules for motors vehicles, but also bicyclists and pedestrians. To avoid collisions, drivers and pedestrians need to understand the rules related to right-of-way, and also be able to recognize situations in which to yield the right-of-way.

Common Right-of-Way Questions

Determining right-of-way is something that comes up almost every time you get behind the wheel. Here are some of the most common situations in which questions of right-of-way arise in daily driving.

  1. If you come to a stop sign (or stoplight) at an intersection, and traffic traveling on the other roadway does not have a stop sign, you must stop and yield the right-of-way to other vehicles before proceeding.
  2. If an intersection does not have any traffic signals, and you come to the intersection at the same time as another vehicle, the driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.
  3. At four-way intersections with stop signs for all drivers, vehicles should proceed in the order of first to arrive, first to proceed. If you come to a four-way at the same time as another vehicle or vehicles, yield to any vehicle on your right.
  4. Yield the right-of-way to all traffic coming from the opposite direction when making a left turn.
  5. Slow down and prepare to stop when approaching a yield sign. Stop, if necessary, and only proceed when it is safe to do so.
  6. When merging into other traffic, adjust your speed and vehicle position to merge into the new lane safely. If another vehicle is merging into your lane, move over a lane, or adjust your speed and position to allow the vehicle to safely merge.
  7. Even at intersections with traffic lights, make sure the intersection is clear of traffic before entering, even if you have the green light.
  8. If emergency vehicles are approaching with their lights and sirens on, safely maneuver out of the way by slowing down and moving to the shoulder of the road. If that is not possible, move as far to the right as you can, and come to a stop.
  9. In construction zones, yield to all highway maintenance vehicles and workers.

Even if a driver has the right-of-way in any given situation, he or she still has a duty to exercise caution to avoid an accident. If a driver can see a threat of an imminent accident, he must reduce his speed and otherwise operate his vehicle with diligence to avoid a collision.

Contact KWF after a Right-of-Way Accident

If you have been involved in a right-of-way accident, contact the legal team at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers. We can help you obtain fair compensation for your injuries and damages. By calling (404) 460-0101, you will start the process of ensuring you are treated fairly by the at-fault driver, all insurance companies, and the legal system.

Client Reviews

I was in a head-on collision last year that put me in a wheelchair with a fractured femur. I needed an attorney and my cousin recommended this firm because he had used Briant Mildenhall for his accident. I was glad I called Briant because he always did what he said he would do and kept me informed...

Michael G.

After a head–on collision I had extremely serious injuries to my back and neck, and some internal injuries. I was airlifted to the hospital and started a huge amount of medical expenses accumulating. I hired a lawyer recommended by a friend but I was not satisfied. My cousin told me about this...

Ronda W.

After my car accident, I was looking for an attorney and came across the name Katz Personal Injury Lawyers. My intuition told me to call. I called in and Briant Mildenhall talked to me. He was very clear and honest about my options. As the case went forward, Briant and the staff at the law office...

Antonio J.

I am 100% satisfied. I called Rob the day after the accident. Everything he said that would happen did, every step of the way. He went beyond what we needed him to do. I would definitely use him again and recommend him to anyone who needs a lawyer.

Steve H.

Robert Katz isn't your average personal injury lawyer. He has specialized knowledge and experience that the others don't.

Timothy W.

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