Dental Malpractice

Most people would not consider a visit to their dentist to be an event where they could end up being injured. However, errors during dental treatment occur more often than people think. When a dentist provides professional services for a patient, he or she is required to uphold a standard of care similar to that of physicians and surgeons. In other words, a dentist must apply a certain degree of ordinary and reasonable skill as used by members of his profession and community under like circumstances. If a dentist fails to act with reasonable skill and care when treating a patient, or is careless or negligent, he or she can be liable for dental malpractice.

Dental malpractice cases can be complicated. Dental malpractice can involve negligence with not just the dentist’s treatment, but can also involve a potential products liability case if a dental device, drug or other product was used in the course of your treatment. To add to the complexity, in most cases, the dentist will have an expert witness to claim that there was no failure in treatment on his behalf. This is why having an experienced dental malpractice attorney can help you prosecute your case. Our dental malpractice attorneys will also consult with experts to establish the necessary elements to successfully pursue your case.

Our dental malpractice attorneys will conduct a thorough investigation of all the facts, medical background and damages of your case. This will include making sure that all relevant facts are gathered, and all medical records are obtained. When speaking to an attorney about your dental malpractice case, it will be important for you to provide as much detail as you can about your treatment, and all of the people and witnesses that may have any information about your treatment. Examples of witnesses may include any other dentists, dental assistances, nurses or physicians who may have been involved in your care.

You will also want to provide to your attorney information regarding any medical bills you have received as a result of your dental care. These medical bills can include bills not only for the treatment, but also for drugs, dental appliances, and any follow-up or subsequent care. Your medical bills will be used to help establish the amount of damages you have suffered as a result of the dental malpractice. Your damages may also include any missed time from work, lost wages, or any other disruption to your daily activities. Your family members may also be eligible to make a claim for damages if they were affected by your injuries.

Georgia law places a time limit on when a dental malpractice case must be filed in court. Therefore, it is important that you speak with an attorney promptly if you have been a victim of dental malpractice. If you would like to speak to an attorney about a potential dental malpractice claim, click here.

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