Burn Injuries
Georgia Burn Injury Lawyers

Burn injuries are some of the most painful and costly types of harm suffered in car, truck or motorcycle accidents, workplace explosions, and defective product incidents. In addition to burns caused by fire due to a defective product, an automobile explosion, or fuel-fed fire, burn injuries can come about in many other ways, including:
- Electrical burns causing serious injury to deep tissues and vital organs
- Chemical burns from acids, solvents, and caustic materials used in the workplace, or even household cleansers
- Chemical vapor burns of the eyes or mucous membranes
- Radiation burns from overuse of fluoroscopy or defective medical imaging devices
- Thermal burns from steam or contact with hot objects or liquids
Degrees of Burn Injuries
Burn injuries are commonly classified by degree according to the severity of damage incurred:
- First Degree Burn – The outer layer of skin is damaged; redness, swelling and pain may be present
- Second Degree Burn – First layer of skin (epidermis) is burned through, and second layer (dermis) is damaged; blisters, severe pain and swelling
- Third Degree Burn – Damage extends into the full depth of the skin and reaches the underlying tissue; Underlying muscle tissue, tendon, fat and bones may be damaged or destroyed
Serious Complications from Burn Injuries
In addition to the burn itself, burn injury victims are susceptible to a host of additional serious and often deadly complications, including:
- Infection
- Scarring
- Dehydration
- Hypothermia
- Organ Damage
- Psychological Injury
- Nerve Damage
Accompanying smoke inhalation can also cause serious issues, from difficulty breathing to carbon monoxide poisoning, inflammation, scarring of lung tissue, asphyxiation and death.
Burn injuries often require intensive and lengthy wound care therapy along with multiple rounds of skin grafts and other surgeries. It is not uncommon for a serious burn injury victim to spend a year or more in the hospital. Even so, victims may still live with permanent scarring or significant disfigurement, as well as lingering pain and limited sensory or motor ability. Emotional and psychological injury in many cases meet the criteria for diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder and other serious and debilitating mental conditions. Facial scars can also result in difficulty finding a job, and reduced earnings over the victim’s career.
Contact Atlanta Burn and Scar Injury Lawyers
Attorney Robert N. Katz and the lawyers at the Atlanta law firm of Katz Personal Injury Lawyers have decades of combined experience representing victims of car, truck and motorcycle accidents, defective products, medical malpractice and other types of serious accidents and injuries. Our firm has a record of success obtaining compensation for people who have suffered some of the most serious and catastrophic injuries. In the Atlanta area, call us at (404) 460-0101, or call toll-free from anywhere in the United States at (404) 460-0101. You can also contact us online, and we will get in touch with you right away. If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury, facial scar, or other serious injury due to the negligence or misconduct of another, contact Katz Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation with a skilled and compassionate attorney who is ready to help you.