Choosing the Right Car Insurance
The protection provided by the many different types of vehicle insurance is often confusing to persons outside the insurance industry or legal community. If you do not understand the types of insurance on your auto policy, you should contact your insurance company or agent and have them explain each type of coverage in detail.
They may also make recommendations about the amount of coverage you should carry on your auto policy. Unfortunately, unless you are personally speaking to an extremely experienced insurance agent, you are not likely to get the best answer to this question. The level of insurance you should carry is significantly affected by your assets and earning potential, the type of vehicle you are operating and its value, and a variety of other factors. The Atlanta insurance attorneys at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are available to provide you with a free review of the types and amounts of insurance coverage you should consider having in place. Simply contact our office by calling (404) 460-0101 for a free telephone consultation if you would like to have us review your insurance coverage.
If you have already been in a car accident, please call our right away. We have decades of experience finding all available insurance money that can be used to cover your medical bills, lost wages, car damage, and pain and suffering.